Reducing your waste disposal and recycling costs – guaranteed
“The solid waste and recycling savings (> 40%) that we’re realizing for our Sonic Drive-In stores from the various changes HWS has made is very close to the projected savings from your initial audit. Your company obviously knows how to deal with the trash and recycling vendors, as you successfully replaced existing vendor contracts at the majority of our stores by negotiating new contracts. We at PVG also like having HWS monitor the trash/recycling invoices each month to ensure that we’re not paying even $1 more than we should.”
Tasha Halley
Chief Financial Officer
PVG Restaurant
Group, LLC

“I’m very pleased with how you’ve helped our 56 Arby’s stores in eight states. Your audit was very detailed and, as promised, unobtrusive. Your recommendations made sense and were implemented without any issues. From your detailed negotiation of our trash and recycling contracts we recognized that your company really understands the business. We of course like the savings to our monthly P&L, and we also appreciate the time and thus overhead that you’ve saved our management staff."
Janice Carlson
Corporate Controller,
Carisch Inc.

why your company likely throws away between 20-40% too much money for solid waste (trash) and recycling service:
Trash and recycling vendors have an inherent conflict of interest, which contributes to businesses typically overpaying by 20-40%. Trash/recycling vendors want to make as much profit as possible, not provide their customers with the most efficient and least expensive service.
Equipment, service, waste disposal, and recycling options exist which many trash and recycling vendors do not disclose to their customers.
Businesses rarely have in-house staff with the expertise, resources, and time to identify, implement, and maintain trash and recycling cost savings.
Trash and recycling service contracts are notoriously one-sided in favor of the vendors.
A surprisingly high percentage of trash and recycling invoices have errors and overcharges which go unnoticed and uncorrected.
Heartland Waste Solutions (HWS) is the unbiased industry specialist that your company needs. We possess the expertise, resources, time, and financial motivation to deliver savings to your bottom line. We know all the opportunities to save your company money that your vendors won’t tell you and that your in-house staff are not aware of. Specifically, we help our Clients by:
Reducing our Clients’ operational costs and increasing their profits.
Reducing our Clients' overhead costs.
Freeing up our Clients’ time by managing all aspects of their waste disposal and recycling operations.
Negotiating new vendor contracts that are more protective of our Clients.
Scrutinizing waste and recycling vendor invoices each month for accuracy.
Obtaining credits and refunds for vendor billing errors and overcharges.
Resolving any and all vendor service issues promptly.
Monitoring for additional cost saving opportunities each and every month.
Increasing sustainability and “greening up” a business (if desired by our Client).

HWS is an expert at reducing solid waste (trash) and recycling costs for the following types of businesses:
Food manufacturers/processors
Manufacturing/industrial facilities
Retail stores

Our compensation is risk-free and straightforward: we simply share in the savings that we create for your company, so we have every incentive to realize maximum cost savings for you. If we cannot reduce your company-wide costs (which is very uncommon), then you would owe us nothing. In addition, you will never receive a bill from us until after you have realized the cost savings.